Prof. dr. Hari Kusnanto Josef, SU., Dr.PH.

- Medical and health sciences
- Undergraduate : S.Ked Universitas Gadjah Mada Yogyakarta
- Profession : dr. Universitas Gadjah Mada
- Master: Public Health Universitas Gadjah Mada
- A sticky situation: From malaria pre-elimination to gene mutation Glucose-6-Phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency (G6PDd) in Eastern Indonesia. [2016].
(1) Prof. dr. Hari Kusnanto Josef, SU., Dr.PH. (2) Prof. dr. Supargiyono, DTM&H, SU, PhD, SpParK. (3) dr. Ahmad Hamim Sadewa, Ph.D. (4) Ida Darojatun, S.E. (5) Purwono
- A model of malaria in pregnancy prevention counseling in clinics district of Jayapura, Papua. [2019].
(2) Prof. dr. Hari Kusnanto Josef, SU., Dr.PH. (3) Prof. dr. Djaswadi Dasuki, Sp.OG., MPH., Ph.D. (4) Prof. dr. Siswanto Agus Wilopo, SU, M.Sc, Sc.D
- Occurrrence of Natural Vertical Transmission of “Zika like Virus” in Aedes aegypti Mosquito in Jambi City. [2019].
(1) dr. Tri Baskoro Tunggul Satoto, M.Sc.,Ph.D (2) NUR ALVIRA PASCA WATI (4) Prof. dr. Hari Kusnanto Josef, SU., Dr.PH. (5) Purwono (8) Prof. dr. Sofia Mubarika Harjana, M.Med.Sc., Ph.D.
- A time series analysis: Weather factors, human migration and malaria cases in endemic area of Purworejo, Indonesia, 2005-2014. [2018].
(1) Dwi Sarwani Sri Rezeki (2) Nunung Nurhayati (3) Budi Aji (4) dr. E. Elsa Herdiana Murhandarwati, M.Kes., Ph.D (5) Prof. dr. Hari Kusnanto Josef, SU., Dr.PH.
- Preparatory graduate professional training in general practice by using the ‘experiential learning’ framework. [2018].
(1) dr. Mora Claramita, MHPE., Ph.D (2) dr. Fitriana Murriya Ekawati, MPHC. (2) Dr. dr. Wahyudi Istiono, M.Kes. (2) Prof. Dr. dr. Adi Heru Sutomo, M.Sc., D.Comm.Nutr (2) Prof. dr. Hari Kusnanto Josef, SU., Dr.PH.
- Key factors for sustainable rational use of medicine program in Gunungkidul and Sleman districts, Indonesia. [2018].
(1) SUNARTONO (2) Prof. Dra. Raden Ajeng Yayi Suryo Prabandari, M.Si., Ph.D. (3) Prof. dr. Hari Kusnanto Josef, SU., Dr.PH. (4) Prof. Dr. Sri Suryawati
- Analisis spasial kejadian kusta di kabupaten Blora. [2018].
(1) JATI KURNIAWAN (2) Dr. dr. Sunardi Radiono, Sp.KK.(K). (3) Prof. dr. Hari Kusnanto Josef, SU., Dr.PH.
- Penggantian nevirapine sebelum satu tahun pengobatan pada pasien HIV/AIDS. [2017].
(1) NUR AINI KUSMAYANTI (2) dr. Yanri Wijayanti Subronto, Ph.D., Sp.PD. (3) Prof. dr. Hari Kusnanto Josef, SU., Dr.PH.
- How is Indonesia coping with its epidemic of chronic noncommunicable diseases? A systematic review with meta-analysis.. [2017].
(1) Julia Schröders (2) Stig Wall (3) Prof. dr. Mohammad Hakimi, Sp.OG, Ph.D. (4) dr. Fatwa Sari Tetra Dewi, MPH., Ph.D (5) Lars Weinehall (6) Mark Nichter (7) Maria Nilsson (8) Prof. dr. Hari Kusnanto Josef, SU., Dr.PH. (9) Ekowati Rahajeng (10) Nawi Ng
- Efektifitas Modifikasi Ovitrap Model Kepanjen untuk Menurunkan Angka Kepadatan Larva Aedes aegypti di Malang.(Lilik Zuhriyah; penulis-1). [2016].
(2) dr. Tri Baskoro Tunggul Satoto, M.Sc.,Ph.D (3) Prof. dr. Hari Kusnanto Josef, SU., Dr.PH.
- Prediction of Dengue Outbreaks Based on Disease Surveillance and Meteorological Data.. [2016].
(1) Aditya Lia Ramadona (2) dr. M. Lutfan Lazuardi, M.Kes., Ph.D. (4) Prof. dr. Hari Kusnanto Josef, SU., Dr.PH.
- Integrated management of childhood illness training needs on cadre for improve family and community capacity in simple handling of respiratory infection, diarrhoea, and less nutrition in children . [2015].
(1) Prof. dr. Hari Kusnanto Josef, SU., Dr.PH. (2) Prof. Dra. Raden Ajeng Yayi Suryo Prabandari, M.Si., Ph.D. (3) Dr. Fitri Haryanti, S.Kp., M.Kes.
- Policy Of Epidemiology Region Boundaries In Malaria Control Program (Case Study In Phc Kokap II Kulon Progo, Yogyakarta). (Sutjipto -penulis 1). [2015].
(1) Prof. dr. Laksono Trisnantoro, M.Sc., Ph.D. (2) Prof. dr. Hari Kusnanto Josef, SU., Dr.PH. (3) dr. M. Lutfan Lazuardi, M.Kes., Ph.D. (4) dr. Indwiani Astuti, Dr.Med.
- Genetic variation of Leptospira isolated from rats catched in Yogyakarta Indonesia (Hadi Sumanta-penulis-1). [2015].
(1) Prof. dr. Tri Wibawa, Ph.D., Sp.MK(K) (2) Prof. dr. Hari Kusnanto Josef, SU., Dr.PH. (3) Prof. Dr. Suwarno Hadisusanto, S.U.
- Comparison of rapid diagnostic test Plasmotec Malaria-3, microscopy, and quantitative real-time PCR for diagnoses of Plasmodium falciparum and Plasmodium vivax infections in Mimika Regency, Papua, Indonesia. [2015].
(1) Prof. dr. Hari Kusnanto Josef, SU., Dr.PH. (2) dr. Tri Baskoro Tunggul Satoto, M.Sc.,Ph.D
- Structured equation model of tuberculosis incidence based on its social determinants and risk factor in Bandar Lampung, Indonesia. [2014].
(2) dr. Yodi Mahendradhata, M.Sc., PhD, FRSPH (3) dr. M. Lutfan Lazuardi, M.Kes., Ph.D. (3) Prof. dr. Hari Kusnanto Josef, SU., Dr.PH.
- Pelatihan seperti Apa yang dapat Mendukung Implementasi Kebijakan: Perspektif Peserta – Evaluasi Training Manajer midlevel untuk Imunisasi di Kota Banda Aceh. [2013].
(1) Prof. dr. Hari Kusnanto Josef, SU., Dr.PH. (2) Mubasysyir Hasanbasri
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