Submit your Abstract!
Faculty of Medicine, Public Health and Nursing Universitas Gadjah Mada Indonesia alongside Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia and Prince of Songkla University Thailand cordially invite you to The 16th Post Graduate Forum on Health Systems & Policy. With the grand theme “Learning Health Systems During Pandemic & Beyond: Lessons From Asia on Innovations Toward More Resilient Health System”, we invite distinguished speakers, delegates, public health practitioners, healthcare industry leaders and policy makers from around the world to offer and share their ideas in this conference.
The Participants interested in submitting research articles (oral or poster) are invited to submit the original abstract. The abstract should consist of not more than 300 words in English.
For Abstract Submission and Guidelines please visit: https://postgraduateforum.net/registration/
For further information, please contact
Ms. Ratna Sary ( rsary@ugm.ac.id /+62-8122-573-4248)
dr. Anedya Niedar ( anedyaniedar@mail.ugm.ac.id / +62-838-580-4948)
Ms. Lia Rahmawati ( liarahmawati1204@gmail.com / +62-823-5959-4205 )